If you are seriously considering becoming a Freemason, and would like to join South Africa Lodge, there are four essential criteria for admission, applicable to all Freemasons, in any Lodge.
- First, you must acknowledge your belief in God, although you may be of any religion.
- Second, you must be male and aged 21 years or older (under very special circumstances younger men between 18 and 21 may qualify to join).
- Third, you must be an honest and upright person with no criminal record, and
- Fourth, you must have the time and financial resources to participate in our Lodge activities. Although Freemasonry is affordable for most working men, it should not cause financial strain for yourself or your family, or impose any hardship on them.
As our name implies, South Africa Lodge was founded for, and is mainly composed of, Freemasons who have some connection with South Africa. This is not a fixed prerequisite but you will certainly feel more ‘at home’ if you have a similar association or affinity.
In addition to specifically join South Africa Lodge you should live or work within easy commuting distance of London, so that you can attend our meetings and participate in our activities – but we don’t set any limits. It has to be your own decision whether you are prepared to travel regularly from wherever you live, or work, to our meetings.
If you meet all these criteria then the next step is to contact our secretary by email. Your email should include a CV to tell us as much as possible about you, plus your full contact details. We will then set up a meeting with you to answer any questions you may have and tell you more about Freemasonry in general and our Lodge in particular. We will also tell you what your financial commitments will be, and explain the demands Freemasonry will make on your time. Once you have considered this information, and assuming you still wish to join, we will give you the appropriate application forms to complete and return to us, Please be patient. It will take some time for us to get to know each other, and to process your application. This does not mean that you are not welcome among us, but all candidates for Freemasonry have to go through a specific process at several consecutive Lodge meetings before they can be admitted into the fraternity. Our Lodge only meets four times per year, so it will probably take at least a year to process your application.
Email The Secretary with your CV, and please don’t forget your contact details.